VOLAR travel pillow
29,95 €
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I started taking my own pillow while travelling. Nothing ruins a day more than not being able to move your head because your neck hurts or having a raging headache from aching muscles because you slept somewhere without a good pillow. And I am not talking about a neck pillow.
I started taking my own pillow while travelling. Nothing ruins a day more than not being able to move your head because your neck hurts or having a raging headache from aching muscles because you slept somewhere without a good pillow. And I am not talking about a neck pillow.
The VOLAR travel pillow from Third of Life is the fourth one I bought and the first one that survived a trip without loosing shape or completely unravelling.
It is made from memory foam, expands three times it’s compact size (to about 8cm height), comes with a temperature regulating cover that is robust and easily washed and dried. It’s also super light and you can take it on top of your carry on luggage and personal item onto the plane.