Old Dubai Food Tour – Stopover Exploration
Another stopover in Dubai, another 21 hours to fill. This time I got a offered a hotel with a meal included by Emirates, since my stopover was so long. Apart from the inside of a hotel room I wanted to see the parts of Dubai I didn't get to see the last time, specifically the old town of Dubai, the…
8 hour stopover in the Jewel at Changi Airport Singapore
When you fly over Singapore you should choose the longest stopover you possibly can. Why? The jewel at their airport alone is worth a trip and since you have to go through customs to be able to explore it's best to have a few hours.
21-hour-long stopover in Dubai
Travelling to Vietnam for the first time, travelling alone for the first time, I had a stopover in Dubai between flights. A 21-hour long stopover in Dubai that I wanted to fill with something other than sitting at the airport and waiting for time to pass.