Travel Guides

My travel itineraries on Thatch

After some consideration I decided to join Thatch where you can create custom and interactive travel itineraries. All the ones on my profile were created by me, based on my experiences. I did not use any AI in any of my guides, nor will I ever do that. And I only recommend places I have been to myself and liked.

After several people asked me to make easier accessible travel itineraries I started creating them on Thatch, since they are interactive with maps, links and notes and not static like they would be in a PDF. I am not a budget traveller, nor do I care for luxury. Unless otherwise specified everything recommended is mid range.

Where is the difference between the travel guides on my website you can access for free and my travel itineraries on Thatch?

Easy: My travel guides cover one city or one region, with recommendations where to stay, what to do, what to see and what to eat & drink.

The travel itineraries are fully fledged day to day plans with lodging, food, sights and things to do, tours, places and much more. Most of them also cater to one specific topic like Coffee, Adventure, Budget Travel, Travel by Train, etc. and include more than one location.

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